Carl de l'Epine

In 2016, as a farmer, I was questioning my future. My intuition, awakened by coaching sessions, led me to take an interest in natural remedies. It all started with a small pocket book titled "Grandma's Remedies."

In the course of my internet research, essential oils appeared very regularly.

So, I delved deeper and discovered the power and therapeutic potential of aromatherapy that nature has developed over millions of years. Within a few weeks, I bought almost all the books by Dominique Baudoux - to whom I pay tribute - who took over and developed the Pranarôm laboratory - an “ambassador” laboratory for therapeutic quality essential oils - and author of an invaluable bibliography on aromatherapy and essential oils.

Then, I discovered Pierre Franchomme, whose work "Aromatherapy Exactly," co-written with his colleague Dr. Daniel Penoël, is a world reference in what is now called scientific aromatherapy.

It was then that I made the decision to retrain in naturopathy and, more specifically, in aromatherapy. It was in Barcelona where I pursued my training and obtained a diploma in naturopathy with the Heilpraktiker Institut. (Many thanks to Gustau).

However, it is in France and Belgium where scientific aromatherapy is most advanced in the world, just like the bibliography in this field. I had the opportunity to follow a second-degree aromatherapy training in Paris, taught by one of the greatest experts in the field, Pierre Franchomme, to whom I want to pay tribute.